Lighten up the Office
While April Fool’s Day is a great opportunity to have some fun, it’s important to be mindful of what pranks are appropriate to do at work. You don’t want to cross the line and cause any harm or damage to the workplace or your colleagues. Here are 10 safe April Fool’s Day jokes that are safe for work in 2023. Before we begin, the best one is to collaborate with your co workers to call in sick. All but one of you should call in sick, but arrive 5 minutes late for work.

1. Sticky Notes
One harmless yet funny prank is to cover your colleague’s workspace with sticky notes. Write silly messages or jokes on them to brighten their day. This is sure to put a smile on their face and make them laugh. If you’re feeling extra mischievous, you can even draw funny cartoons or stick images of animals all over the place! Have fun with it and create your own custom prank. Just make sure not to go too overboard and respect the workspace of your colleague. “You have a secret admirer!”
2. Switching Mouse Buttons
Change the settings on your colleague’s computer to switch the left and right mouse buttons. Watch as they become increasingly frustrated trying to figure out what’s going on.
3. Fake Memo
Create a fake memo or announcement that sounds important, but is actually a joke. Make sure it’s obvious that it’s a joke to avoid any confusion or panic.
4. Fake Meeting Invitation
Send out a fake meeting invitation to your colleagues for a meeting that doesn’t exist. Watch as they show up to an empty room, confused and bewildered.
5. Air Horn
Set up an air horn under your colleague’s chair or desk. When they sit down, it will go off and give them a good scare. Just make sure to do it in a way that doesn’t cause any physical harm.
6. Switching Keyboard Keys
Similar to switching mouse buttons, you can also switch some of the keys on your colleague’s keyboard. Just make sure to switch them back before they get too frustrated.
7. Fake Plant
Replace your colleague’s real plant with a fake one. They’ll be confused when they realize it never needs watering or care.
8. Fake Food
Bring in a tray of donuts or other pastries and swap out the filling with something unexpected, like mashed potatoes or toothpaste. Make sure to have the real treats on hand for them to enjoy afterwards.
9. Fake Phone Call
Pretend to receive a phone call from a high-ranking executive, and ask your colleague to take the call for you. When they pick up the phone, say something ridiculous and watch as they try to keep a straight face.
10. Fake Email Signature
Change your email signature to something unexpected, like a funny quote or a celebrity’s name. Make sure it’s appropriate and won’t cause any harm or damage to the workplace.
Remember to always use your best judgement and be mindful of your colleagues’ feelings. The goal is to have some harmless fun and spread joy on April Fool’s Day.