If you are found to be in possession of brass knuckles in the state of Texas, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the applicable laws and understand the potential consequences.
Brass knuckles are now considered a “legitimate self-defense tool” and can be purchased and carried. It is legal to have brass knuckles in Texas statewide but some municipalities prohibit them.
Table of contents
- New Texas Laws 2019
- What are the Current Penalties for Brass Knuckles in Texas?
- Previous Law on Brass Knuckles
- Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the law about carrying brass knuckles in Austin?
- Can I carry brass knuckles if I am under 18 years old?
- What are some other states that have similar laws on the books regarding carrying brass knuckles?
- What happens if you get caught with brass knuckles in Texas?
- What weapons are illegal in Texas?
- What is a brass knuckle and how does it work?
- Is there any difference between regular and heavy-duty brass knuckles for self defense?
- Do brass knuckles inflict more damage than other weapons?
- Why should guns never be carried around in public?
- Conclusion
New Texas Laws 2019
Texas had a new law that makes brass knuckles legal. This weapon is often used to inflict serious injury, so it’s important to be aware of the law.
According to Joe Moody, a Democratic legislator from El Paso who sponsored the bill, the bill was intended to protect people who wanted to protect themselves.
The bill also made it legal to carry tomahawks, nightsticks, maces, and blackjacks in the state.
Texans carrying knuckles and other legal defense weapons shouldn’t go to jail, according to supporters of HB 446.
Possession of Brass Knuckles became legal on September 1, 2019
The law has changed and now you are able to possess brass knuckles. Only people over the age of 18 are allowed to have them and they must have a valid identification card to do so. Brass knuckles cannot be brought into public places or onto school grounds.
Whether you’re a resident or not, brass knuckles are a ‘legitimate self defense tool.’ Brass knuckles can be used if you’re defending yourself from an attack with deadly force.
They can also be used to inflict serious bodily harm or death, but only if you use them in a malicious way.
Make sure you know the laws in your state before buying brass knuckles, as they may not be legal where you live.
Brass knuckles are legal as long as they meet certain guidelines, such as being made of brass, having a sandpaper-like finish, and not being able to cause serious bodily harm or death.
Finally, always make sure you know how to use brass knuckles safely and responsibly – misuse can lead to serious injury or even death.

What are the Current Penalties for Brass Knuckles in Texas?
Texas has legalized the possession of brass knuckles as of September 1st, 2019. Prior to this change, carrying or possessing was considered a misdemeanor and could result in up to $4,000 in fines or a year in jail.
Previous Law on Brass Knuckles
Prior to the amendment on September 1st, 2019, brass knuckles were considered an instrument of crime and were therefore illegal to possess in the state. Before 2019, the following Penal Code sections were providing the definition of brass knuckles:
1. Under the Texas penal code, brass knuckles are defined as any instrument that consists of finger guards or finger rings made of a hard substance and that is made, designed or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury by striking someone with a fist enclosed in the knuckles.”
2. Under Texas penal code chapter 46 , it states: “A person commits an offense if he knowingly possesses on his person or readily accessible to him a brass knuckles.”
3. Possession of brass knuckles is a class A misdemeanor.
4. If you are convicted of possession of brass knuckles, the maximum fine that you may receive is a $4,000 fine and six months jail time.
The law, which prohibited someone from knowingly manufacturing, owning, repairing, or selling brass knuckles or club was originally passed in 1918 with a vote of 31-0.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the law about carrying brass knuckles in Austin?
There is no statewide law prohibiting the carrying of brass knuckles in Austin, but municipalities may have stricter regulations.
In general, brass knuckles are considered a deadly weapon and are prohibited by law in most cases. If you are found guilty of possessing brass knuckles, you could be subject to a fine and/or up to two years in jail.
Can I carry brass knuckles if I am under 18 years old?
In Texas, it is legal to carry brass knuckles as long as you are 18 years or older. The brass knuckles must be concealed inside of your clothing or inside of a container that is not visible from the outside. You cannot bring more than three brass knuckles with you at any time.
What are some other states that have similar laws on the books regarding carrying brass knuckles?
There are a few other states that have similar laws on the books regarding brass knuckles. They are: Oklahoma, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana. It is illegal to carry brass knuckles in all of these states except for Oklahoma where it is only a misdemeanor offense. If you are found with brass knuckles in any of these five states, you may be subject to fines or imprisonment.
What happens if you get caught with brass knuckles in Texas?
House Bill 446, which removes an existing prohibition on certain weapons, such as brass knuckles, clubs, and kitty keychains, was signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
What weapons are illegal in Texas?
Banned weapons list
For a variety of reasons, the state has outlawed a group of weapons, including homemade weapons and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
It is illegal to possess a steak knife with a blade over 5.5 inches long.
Machine guns, sawed-off shotguns, zip guns or improvised firearms, chemical weapons, homemade guns, armor-piercing ammunition and silenced firearms are not allowed in public without a license, unless you are carrying them while hunting or at an event where firearms are permitted.
Some people argued that brass knuckles are primarily used as a defensive tool, and they should not be associated with weapons like explosive weapons or machine guns. The law comes after lawmakers previously removed switchblades from the list of prohibited weapons.
What is a brass knuckle and how does it work?
A brass knuckle is a type of weapon that’s made out of metal and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. When closed, the edges of the brass knuckles resemble fists but when opened, the brass knuckles have been sharpened to a point.
In fact, any weapon that is not allowed by law, is also considered a deadly weapon and can result in serious injuries or fatalities if used improperly.
Is there any difference between regular and heavy-duty brass knuckles for self defense?
There is no real difference between regular and heavy-duty brass knuckles when it comes to self-defense items. Both can be carried legally in Texas as long as they meet the necessary weight and length requirements.
Heavy-duty brass knuckles can be made from more durable materials like steel, which makes them stronger and harder to break. Additionally, they have abrasive exterior surfaces that can help prevent cuts and other injuries.
Do brass knuckles inflict more damage than other weapons?
Brass knuckles can cause serious injuries. They’re specifically designed to inflict maximum damage by connecting with the victim’s flesh. This can result in broken bones, lacerations, and even concussions. Despite the potential for serious injury, brass knuckles are still legal in Texas. However, it’s important to be aware of the laws that govern these weapons and use them responsibly.
Why should guns never be carried around in public?
There’s no dispute that guns are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Every year, firearms are responsible for more deaths than car accidents, tuberculosis, and HIV combined. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), guns are also one of the main reasons why suicide rates have been on the rise in the past few decades. Carrying a firearm openly puts everyone at risk – not just law enforcement officers, but also civilians.
In fact, research has shown that people who carry weapons in public are more likely to be injured or killed than those who do not. If you’re thinking about getting a gun license or carrying a weapon around on your person, be sure to consult with an attorney first. Not only will this protect your rights and ensure that you’re following state laws, but it’ll also help you better understand the risks involved.
The brass knuckle law went into effect on September 1st, 2019 and applies to both residents and non-residents. If you want to carry brass knuckles, you have the legal right to do so.
A switchblade is a type of throwing knife. Switchblades were historically used to defend oneself during the Civil War and by civilians, but they were outlawed in the United States after 1938, with the exception of “sporting-knife” use. However, the Texas Legislature legalized them as well.
Because it was passed into law, the bill became a reality, and the people can now own brass knuckles with confidence, knowing that they are safe. The bill was passed unanimously by both houses, indicating that neither side had any objections to the bill being introduced.
This is part of a larger issue concerning how the state senate regulates firearms and how lawmakers feel about firearms and shooting in general.
It is critical to consult with an attorney before carrying any type of weapon, especially if you live in a state with complicated, more restrictive, weapon laws.