What do you do with a dead possum?
This is a question that many people may not have an answer to, but it is something that needs to be addressed. Possums are common in North America and can often be found playing dead on the side of the road. So why do possums play dead, and what happens to them when they die? In this blog post, we will explore the answers to these questions and more!
A dead possum dilemma
If a situation like this happens to you with a dead possum, read on and figure out what to do. Is the possum dead or playing dead? Eat it? Call Animal Control? Dispose of it? This is a story of my friend whom is not from the country like I am.
The possum was brown, which is almost black, and its eyes were open but it didn’t look like it was alive anymore.
It was on the sidewalk right in front of my apartment complex. I hope animal control gets here soon or I’m going to have nightmares about this possum all week long!
They could have at least covered it up before leaving its dead possum body in the middle of public access. I’m going to make a call and complain because dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead possum.
I was walking home from work when it happened, but if I had been on my way somewhere else this would be all over social media, I can tell you that. dead dead dead dead dead dead dead dead.
I really didn’t want to see a dead possum today, but it’s kind of hard not to when they leave it out in the open for everyone to see.
Animal control should be here soon, nice and slow.
Do possums play dead with their eyes open?
I’ve never seen a dead possum before, but this one was definitely dead. The eyes are what really gave it away because they were open and looking straight at me, which was the worst part of all that time I almost stepped on a dead possum today.
I definitely didn’t need to see a dead possum today, but it happened and I’m going to tell everybody I know about it.
The worst part is that it stunk really bad, so they couldn’t put it in a closed trash can or anything like that. I’m gonna have to hold my breath when I walk past this possum every morning and every night now because there’s no way I can avoid it.
tweet tweet tweet! OMG I almost stepped on a dead possum #deadpossums #animalcontrol @AnimalControl
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What happens to the dead possum?

It’s taken away by animal control services & disposed of properly. This ensures there isn’t any disease spread through contact with blood/guts left behind if someone were just leave it laying around on their property without calling anyone first.
In most cases, leaving a dead possum where it is is the best thing to do. However if you see one on your property, you may want to dispose of it yourself for safety reasons. You can either bury it or put it in a trash bag and dispose of it in a landfill.
What happens when a possum dies naturally?
In this case, there is no one who can claim ownership of the animal and so its carcass will be left in whatever position it was found until someone collects it or nature takes over again through decomposition.
For example, if a possum dies on your property and no one comes to collect it for several days, there is a risk of disease or pests getting into the animal’s body and spreading throughout your home. Out in the country, you probably won’t hear of anyone calling animal control. Nature takes it course and people are used to possums digging in their trash. That is one reason they play dead. They sense that is the last trash can they will be caught digging in.

What do you do with a dead possum if animal control can’t come?
One of my friends was just working in his garage, minding his own business. He heard something moving around in the attic. It had to be a rat or a possum. Since it wasn’t making any noise and didn’t seem like it wanted to harm him, he decided to let whatever animal it might be stay there until he could call someone out to get rid of the critter. A few hours later (and still no attack), the animal started scratching at one of the air vents on his roof and then fell through! The poor thing hit its head on some wooden rafters before landing directly below where it fell from – dead as can be.
He called Animal Control because they were open 24/hours and they told him that he needed to bury the possum. Of course he had never done this before. He asked me what to do with it and of course I gave him my best advice. Basically, you need a shovel, gloves, garbage bags, and something to weigh the bag down with (he used a cinder block). You also have to make sure that there are no other animals around who might try to dig up the carcass.
Step by step to dispose of a dead possum
It’s not as bad as it seems – just follow these simple steps:
– Put on gloves
– Pick up the possum with a shovel or your hands (if it’s small enough)
– Place it in a garbage bag
– Tie the bag shut
– Place something heavy on top of the bag (I used a cinder block)
– Bury it in an area that is at least six feet deep and far away from any water sources.
Hopefully you’ll never have to deal with this situation, but if you do, now you know what to do! And remember, always call animal control first before trying to handle anything yourself. Possums can carry all sorts of diseases, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. Stay safe out there! But, if burying is not an option, call the animal control and see if you can place it in a city dumpster or burn it in a fire pit.
Why do possums play dead?

Possums play dead as a defense mechanism when faced with threats that could potentially harm them physically by attacking their bodies directly (ex: predators). This is why some people think playing dead works because many predators do not attack if they believe an animal has already died! However this behavior doesn’t always work against humans who might shoot at them anyway just for fun or food! Possums don’t necessarily die when they’re hit by cars; instead, they just go into shock for about 30 minutes before waking up again. This is due to their low body temperature which causes them not to feel pain as much as other animals might.
Do people really eat possum?
Yes, many cultures do! In North America alone there are dozens if not hundreds of recipes for cooked opossum as well as other mammals and birds that are found on this continent. So next time you see a dead possum laying by the side of road don’t hesitate before calling someone who knows what they’re doing. The chances are good that they killed it in order to feed another person’s family dinner table later tonight! My own family caught a big turtle in their backyard and made Turtle bouillabaisse. There are many ways to cook a possum. It’s actually a delicacy in some cultures! People eat everything from the tail fat (fatback) on down – including organs like liver or kidneys (heart).
The only thing that is not edible from a possum are its teeth. The meat of this animal is very dark and tough when cooked. It is best served with gravy or sauce (like BBQ sauce). If you’re looking for more information on how to cook your own possum at home, please check out ROAD KILL RECIPES. Here is a recipe for possum stew.

How does dead possum taste? Possum meat is very dark and tough when cooked. Serve possum with gravy or sauce (like BBQ sauce). Many people eat squirrel gumbo or rabbit fricasee and it is similar. Pressure cooking possum is great. I have eaten squirrel gumbo and rabbit fricasee so believe me it taste like roast when cooked properly.