What is a summer meals program and what do they offer kids in Texas?
Kids can now eat free in Texas all summer long. A summer meals program is a federally-funded program by the USDA that provides free, nutritious meals to children 18 and younger during the summer months. While schools are closed, these programs help make sure kids still have access to the healthy food they need to grow and thrive.
In Texas, there are over 3,600 summer meal sites across the state that serve millions of meals each day. That means there are plenty of opportunities for kids to eat free in Texas! These programs offer kids free meals without having to prove financial necessity.
So how can you find a summer meals site near you? It’s easy! Just text “Food” or “Comida” to 304-304 or visit Square Meals. With so many options available, there’s no excuse for kids to go hungry this summer. Another option is to go to NO KID HUNGRY to find free meals in your area. Just type in your town.
The Summer Meals Program provides free breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to children 18 years and younger during the summer months when school is out. This program is available at no cost to all kids, so there’s no excuse not to take advantage of it! Children can receive meals at schools, churches, community centers, or other approved locations. To find a Summer Meals Program near you, visit https://www.fns.usda.gov/sfsp/summer-food-service-program to get your little ones started on a healthy summer eating program today!
How many kids participate in the summer meals programs in Texas each year, and what are their favorite foods to eat at the free lunch sites ?
According to the latest figures, millions of kids in Texas participate in the Summer Food Service Program. Favorite foods at these lunch sites include sandwiches, salads, and fruits. These meals are available free of charge to all kids 18 years of age and younger.
For more information on the Summer Food Service Program and to find a participating lunch site near you, visit SquareMeals.

See our LAREDO SUPPER recipe for a cheap meal this summer!
Are there any restrictions on who can receive free meals through the summer meal programs in Texas ?
No, there are no restrictions on who can eat free in Texas through the summer meal programs in Texas. Anyone 18 years of age or younger can receive a free meal at any participating program site. For more information on summer meal programs in Texas, visit the Summer Meals Texas website. ID is not required. Find out whether the site offers a drive through or a cafeteria.
Do parents need to sign up their children for the summer meal programs or are they automatically enrolled ?
No, parents do not need to sign up their children for the summer meal programs.
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded, state-administered program. It is specifically designed to serve free meals to children when school is out for the summer.
Normally, schools provide breakfast and lunch during the academic year through the National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
During the summer months, SFSP picks up where NSLP leaves off by providing free meals at approved sites like public parks, pools, community centers, and other locations across the country.
Become a Summer Food Service Program Sponsor in Texas
Contact your local educational agency or visit USDA to become a SFSP sponsor.
Which cities have the best summer meals programs for kids in Texas, and how do they rate compared to other states’ programs?
The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded, state-administered program designed to serve free meals to children when school is not in session.
In order to receive funding, sponsors must serve meals that meet Federal nutrition guidelines, and sites must be located in areas where 50 percent or more of the children are eligible for free or reduced price lunch during the school year.
Texas has over 3,600 SFSP sites, which served millions of meals to children last summer.
The majority of SFSP sites are operated by school districts and government agencies. Faith-based organizations, nonprofit groups, and private businesses can also apply to be sponsors.
Texas ranks first among states in the number of children served by the SFSP, and second in terms of the number of sites.
The vast majority of SFSP sites in Texas are located in urban areas, with Houston, Dallas, and Austin having the most sites.
However, there are also a significant number of rural sites, particularly in West Texas.
A number of factors contribute to the high participation rate in Texas, including the state’s large population of children and its high poverty rate.
In addition, the state has a long history of supporting summer meals programs, dating back to the 1960s.
Texas’ SFSP sites are rated among the best in the nation.
A recent study by the Food Research and Action Center found that Texas had the second highest number of “successful” SFSP sites, defined as those that served meals that met Federal nutrition guidelines and were accessible to children in need.
The study also found that Texas had a higher percentage of SFSP sites rated “highly successful” than any other state.
The success of Texas’ SFSP is attributed to the commitment of state and local officials. Success is attributed as well to the hard work of sponsors and site operators.
In order to ensure that children eat free in Texas all summer long and have access to nutritious meals during the summer months, Texas cities continue to invest in summer meals programs.
Is there another program beside Summer Meals to get free food in Texas?
The Texas Summer Meals Program is a statewide effort to provide free meals to kids and teens 18 years of age and younger. The program is available at no cost to all children regardless of income or race. There are over thousands of sites across the state. Kids can get a healthy meal during the summer months. To find a site near you, visit SquareMeals or call 211 or text “food” or “comida” to 307-304.
No child in Texas should go hungry this summer – take advantage of the many resources available to make sure your child has enough to eat. If you know of a child who could use some help getting food during the summer months, please let them know about this program. You can also call the Texas Hunger Hotline at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or 1-800-233-3020 for help finding a summer meal site. If disabled, children up to 21 can participate and eat free in Texas.
Visit your local school board web site or go to No Kid Hungry. Type in your town to find your nearest meal.