So much for #NeverForget. The GOP is leaving a good soldier behind. The California GOP seems to be ignoring the Republican candidates in their state.
Take Col. Buzz Patterson. 19 years ago he was a Delta Air Lines pilot scheduled to fly from Atlanta to NYC. He watched the hijacked American and United jets fly into the WTC towers and the Pentagon.
He says it changed his life forever, and your life forever. “Never Forget”.
Perhaps the Republican GOP and California GOP in particular should “NEVER FORGET” and not leave a good candidate behind.
CA-7 is a purple district. Buzz Patterson says it is a winnable district by a Republican and is voicing concerns about the GOP ignoring his candidacy. #GOPLeavingGoodSoldierBehind
I’m a Republican candidate in a toss up district. Has the GOP reached out to me? No. Have they helped my campaign? No. My team is busting our ass and we will win. And, we will remember.
— Buzz Patterson for Congress (CA-7) (@BuzzPatterson) September 10, 2020
Although there are more registered democrats than Republicans in California, there are a large number of non partisan, or independent voters.
Mike Garcia won his race in CA-25 special election and flipped the district. Maybe the GOP believes since the state cannot be flipped red, the GOP candidates aren’t worth spending the resources.
Presidential Endorsements
They would be wrong. I wouldn’t bet against Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson. I didn’t bet against Mike Garcia. Where is the presidential endorsement? Where is @realdonaldtrump? I believe all CA Republican Candidates deserve a collective town hall or at least an interview together on Fox & Friends or Mark Levin Show. There is a story to be told about CA flippable districts just waiting on exposure from the press.
The CA-7 district is D+3. The democrat party is throwing out tons of money at his opponent Ami Bera.
Who is Buzz Patterson?
The distinguished Col. saw tours of duty in 69 countries, including combat operations in Grenada, Bosnia, the Persian Gulf, Somalia, Rwanda, and Haiti. He carried the “nuclear football” for the Clinton administration and claims to know where the proverbial bones are buried.
Take a look at his published works. Review his awards for combat missions. Look at what he is fighting for in the same way he fought for and defended our country. He could easily flee California for Texas like most but stays to fight for his state, regardless of tax burdens, fires, high unemployment, and the homelessness crisis which is near and dear to his heart.
The California Globe published an outstanding article highlighting who Buzz is and what he represents. Read it here:
Distinguished White House Military Aide Challenging California Rep. Ami Bera.

I’m not sure who needs to see this in particular, but it needs to be spread far and wide. Col. Buzz Patterson is receiving donations from all around our country. Yet, he is being ignored in his own back yard by his own party.
Wake Up California GOP! Put in the effort. Put in the resources. Win or lose, Buzz is worth the shot! He gave his country his all and so should the party. As he said, “this is not a 2020 election, this is a generational election.”
See what he is fighting for! See what he cares about! I, for one, as a patriot am getting fired up about this. I am not alone.
Be his wingman, America. Contribute Now! We can do this without the CA GOP but their days in charge are numbered. It is we who will never forget.
PO Box 829
Folsom, CA, 95763