Up your game and unlock all the features of your Nintendo Switch! Check out these popular NINTENDO SWITCH cheats and hidden SWITCH settings. These cheat codes may help you to get ahead of the competition and have loads of fun while playing your favorite games.
The Nintendo Switch is a popular video game console that has been released by Nintendo in 2017. It is a hybrid console that can be used as both a home console and a portable device. The Switch has become very popular since its release, selling over 34 million units as of December 2018.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
How to unlock the secret characters:
- To unlock the secret characters in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you will need to find and collect all of the hidden Korok Seeds. Once you have collected all of the Korok Seeds, you can then trade them with Hestu for upgrades. One of the upgrades that Hestu can give you is the ability to play as two secret characters: Mipha and Revali. To play as Mipha, you will need to have the Zora Armor equipped. To play as Revali, you will need to have the Rito Armor equipped. Have fun exploring Hyrule as these new characters!
How to get unlimited lives:
- If you are looking for a way to get unlimited lives in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, then you will need to find and collect all of the heart containers. Heart containers can be found in a variety of locations, such as inside dungeons, by defeating bosses, or by completing side quests. Once you have collected all of the heart containers, you will then have unlimited lives. Enjoy your newfound invincibility!
How to get more coins:
- If you are looking for a way to get more coins in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, then you will need to find and collect all of the rupees. Rupees can be found in a variety of locations, such as inside chests, by defeating enemies, or by completing side quests. Once you have collected all of the rupees, you can then trade them with Beedle for upgrades. One of the upgrades that Beedle can give you is the ability to carry more rupees. Enjoy your newfound wealth! These are just a few of the cheat codes that you can use to get ahead in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. With these cheat codes, you will be able to unlock all of the features of the game and have loads of fun while playing. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start exploring Hyrule!
How to skip levels
- There are cheat codes that you can enter to skip levels in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. To do this, simply pause the game and press the following buttons on your controller: Up, Left, Down, Right, A, B, X, Y. This will take you to the next level. Enjoy!
How to unlock all the game modes
- In order to unlock all the game modes in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you will need to purchase the expansion pass. This will give you access to the Master Mode, which is the hardest difficulty setting, as well as the new Trial of the Sword mode. Have fun!
How to get power ups without spending any coins
- There are a few ways that you can get power ups without spending any coins in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. One way is to find and collect all of the Korok seeds. There are 900 of them hidden throughout the game world, and collecting them will give you a permanent increase to your health meter. Another way to get power ups is to complete shrine challenges. These are usually found by talking to NPCs, and they will often reward you with an item that will give you a temporary boost. Finally, you can also cook food items to create dishes that will buff your stats in various ways. Experiment with different recipes to see what you can come up with!
How to unlock different characters
- There are a few cheat codes that you can use to unlock different characters in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. To do this, simply pause the game and press the following buttons on your controller: Up, Left, Down, Right, A, B, X, Y. This will take you to the next level. Enjoy!
How to level up quickly
- There are a few cheat codes that you can use to level up quickly in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. To do this, simply pause the game and press the following buttons on your controller: Up, Left, Down, Right, A, B, X, Y. This will take you to the next level. Enjoy! Have fun!
How to get more items
- There are a few ways that you can get more items in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. One way is to find and collect all of the Korok seeds. There are 900 of them hidden throughout the game world, and collecting them will give you a permanent increase to your inventory size. Another way to get items is to purchase them from one of the many shopkeepers found in towns and villages. Finally, you can also find items by looting corpses and defeating enemies.
How to get the Master Sword
- The Master Sword is one of the most powerful weapons in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. To get it, you’ll need to complete a series of challenges in the game’s Trial of the Sword mode. Once you’ve completed all of the trials, the Master Sword will be added to your inventory.
How to beat Ganon
- Ganon is the final boss in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. He’s a tough opponent, but there are a few things you can do to give yourself an edge. First, make sure you have plenty of healing items on hand. Second, use your strongest weapons and armor. Finally, try to get behind him and attack his weak point – his tail. With these tips in mind, you should be able to defeat Ganon and save Hyrule!
How to play without ads
The cheat codes for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild may be as follows:
-Disable all ads: ZL1D5A4
-Infinite Health: ZU5JSD
-Infinite Stamina: ZVNJ3C
-No Damage from Enemies: Z7PN3W
-Max Hearts: ZCNEKS
-All Items Unlocked: ZNNESW
-Enter “up+x” followed by “A” on the main menu.
To enter these codes, simply pause the game and select “Options”, then “Enter Code”. Once entered, the code will be activated and you can enjoy your game ad-free!
Secret bonus levels
- In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can be unlocked by using cheat codes. To use a cheat code, simply enter it during gameplay. This will activate the corresponding bonus level.
- There are three secret bonus levels in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. They are:
- The Trial of the Sword: This bonus level is an extra tough version of the game’s main quest. It can be accessed by using the cheat code “TRIALOFTHESWORD”.
- The Master Trials: This bonus level is a harder version of the game that includes new challenges and enemies. It can be accessed by using the cheat code “MASTERTRIALS”.
- The Champions’ Ballad: This bonus level is a story-based DLC that adds new challenges and rewards. It can be accessed by using the cheat code “CHAMPIONSBALLAD”.
- These cheat codes can be used to unlock secret bonus levels in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Use them to add an extra challenge to your game!
- ***
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- How to unlock the secret characters with cheat codes. In order to unlock the secret characters in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, you will need to input a specific code. These codes can be found online or through game guides. Once you have inputted the code, the character will be unlocked and available to play.
Here are some of the most popular cheat codes for unlocking secret characters in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
- – Bowser Jr.: Up, Left, Down, Right, X, Y, A, B
- – Dry Bones: Down, Down, Left, Left, Up, Up, X, Y –
- King Boo: Up, Right, Down, Left, X ,Y ,A ,B
- – Rosalina: Left ,Left Down, Down, Up, Up, X, Y
- – Wendy: Up, Down, Left ,Right ,X ,Y ,A ,B
With these cheat codes, you will be able to unlock all of the secret characters in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and enjoy the game to its fullest potential! If you have any questions or concerns about using cheat codes in this game, please consult with a customer service representative. Thank you for playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!
- Bowser Jr.: UpLeftDownRightXY In order to unlock the secret characters in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with cheat codes input a specific code. These codes can be found online or through game guides. Once you have inputted the code, the character will be unlocked and available to play.
- Dry Bones: DownDownLeftLeftUpUpXY With these cheat codes, you will be able to unlock all of the secret characters in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and enjoy YABthe game to its fullest potential!
- Wendy: UpDownLeftRightXY If you have any questions about using cheat codes in this game or concerns about customer service please consult with a representative. Thank you for playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!
How to get unlimited lives
in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Assuming you are playing the game normally, there are a few ways to get unlimited lives:
-The first way is to use CHEAT CODES. If you have the right codes, you can get unlimited lives in the game.
-The second way is to play the game on certain difficulty levels. On easier difficulties, you will have more lives to use.
-The third way is to play through the game multiple times. Each time you beat the game, you will get an extra life.
List the cheat codes to get unlimited lives in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
-If you have the right codes, you can get unlimited lives in the game.
-The cheat code for this is: 9999-9999-9D6E
-To enter this code, go to the main menu and select “Cheat Codes.”
-Enter the code and press “Start.”
-You will now have unlimited lives!
Beating the game on easy mode will also give you an extra life. So if you want to stack up on extra lives, play through the game a few times on easy difficulty. You can also try playing through on medium or hard difficulty to see if you can get more extra lives that way.
In short, there are a few ways to get unlimited lives in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
You can use CHEAT CODES, play on easy difficulty, or beat the game multiple times. Give it a try and see which method works best for you! With these methods, you can easily get unlimited lives in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! So get out there and start racing!
-Another way to get unlimited lives is to play the game perfectly. This means getting first place in all the races and not making any mistakes. If you can do this, you will be rewarded with unlimited lives.
-A third way to get unlimited lives is to purchase them with real money. You can buy them in the form of coins or points, and they will be added to your account immediately.
How to get more coins
in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
There are a few CHEAT CODES you can use to get more coins in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. By following these simple steps, you’ll be racking up the coins in no time!
1. Use a code to get 50 coins every time you hit another driver. To do this, enter the code “0phy” while playing. Looking for some CHEAT CODES to help you get more coins in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Look no further! Here’s a cheat code list to help you get ahead of the competition:
– CHEAT CODE 1: Get 50% more coins when you finish a race!
– CHEAT CODE 2: Collect double the coins from item boxes!
– CHEAT CODE 3: Get 10 extra coins for every grand prix cup you win!
With these cheat codes, you’ll be racking up the coins in no time! So get out there and start racing!
2. Another way to get more coins is to complete challenges. Check out the “Challenges” section of the game to see what you need to do to earn some extra cash.
3. You can also find bonus coins hidden around the track. Be on the lookout for them as you race!
Looking for some CHEAT CODES to help you get more coins in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Look no further! Here’s a cheat code list to help you get ahead of the competition:
– CHEAT CODE 1: Get 50% more coins when you finish a race!
– CHEAT CODE 2: Collect double the coins from item boxes!
– CHEAT CODE 3: Get 10 extra coins for every grand prix cup you win!
With these cheat codes, you’ll be racking up the coins in no time! So get out there and start racing!
How to skip levels
If you’re stuck on a level in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, there’s no need to fret. There are cheat codes that you can use to skip ahead to the next level.
To do this, simply enter the following code at the title screen:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
Once you enter the code, a message will appear confirming that the cheat has been activated. You can then press Start to begin playing at the next level. Enjoy!
How to unlock all the game modes
In Mario Kart 8 Deluxe cheat codes are not the only way to get ahead in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – there are plenty of shortcuts and secrets hidden away in the game. Here’s how to unlock all the game modes, including the elusive 200cc mode.
To unlock 200cc, you must first complete all 8 Grand Prix Cups on any engine class. That means completing each cup on 50cc, 100cc, 150cc, and 200cc. The four Mirror Mode cups can be completed on any engine class as well.
Once that’s done, a new option will appear on the main menu: 200cc. This is the fastest engine class in the game, and it’s not for the faint of heart! Be prepared for some seriously intense races.
If you’re looking for an extra challenge, you can also try your hand at the Time Trials mode. To unlock this mode, you must first complete all 8 Grand Prix Cups on any engine class. Once that’s done, a new option will appear on the main menu: Time Trials. This mode lets you race against the clock on any of the game’s tracks.
There are also a few hidden characters and vehicles that you can unlock by completing certain tasks in the game. For example, you can unlock Gold Mario by completing all 8 Grand Prix Cups on any engine class. You can also unlock the Master Cycle Zero by winning first place in all 200cc cups.
How to get power ups without spending any coins
There are a few cheat codes in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe that will allow you to get power ups without spending any coins. One way to do this is to simply enter the code “5155-9555-5141” into the game. This will give you access to unlimited items for one race. Another way to get power ups without spending coins is to use the “MK8D_HAX” code, which will also give you access to unlimited items. Finally, if you want to get all of the power ups in the game, you can use the “5161-1337-7333” code. This will give you every single item in the game, including those that are normally only available through DLC.
How to unlock different characters
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
The newest installment in the Mario Kart franchise, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, is out and available to play on the Nintendo Switch. If you’re looking to add a little bit more excitement and fun to your game play, then you may want to consider using some cheat codes. Here’s a list of cheat codes that will allow you to unlock different characters in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
– Toon Link: 5453-9133-4363
– Rosalina: 7333-8863-8449
– Dry Bowser: 6332-7264-6758
– Metal Mario: 3232-0193-2193
– Pink Gold Peach: 8133-5333-0363
– The following cheat code will also work for the Wii U version of Mario Kart 8: 5132-5332-3232.
Happy gaming!
How to level up quickly
If you want to level up quickly in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, then there are a few things that you can do. One is to make sure that you complete all of the races and challenges in the game. Another is to play against tougher opponents. And finally, you can also use cheat codes to give yourself a boost.
Here are some cheat codes that you can use to level up quickly in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
– Entering the code “4881-9696-8397” will give you an extra 100cc to race with.
– Use the code “5774-9328-2168” to get double items when racing.
– If you want to race against harder opponents, then you can use the code “8196-4495-9646”.
With these cheat codes, you’ll be able to level up quickly and become a master of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in no time!
How to play without ads
– Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
– nintendo switch
To play without ads, you’ll need to purchase the game outright or find a way to get around the ad blocks. There are a few ways to do this:
1. Use an ad blocker: This will block all ads from loading, including in-game ads. Ad blockers can be installed on your computer or phone.
2. Purchase the game: This will remove all ads from the game permanently.
- Enter “left” followed by “right” and then “A+B+X+Y”.
Secret bonus levels
To access the secret bonus levels in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, enter the following CHEAT CODES:
– Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
Doing this will unlock the first secret bonus level. To access the second secret bonus level, enter the following CHEAT CODE:
– Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A + START
This will take you to the second secret bonus level. Have fun!
Super Mario Odyssey
How to unlock the secret characters
Enter the following code in the game:Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A2. The character will be unlocked3. Enjoy your new character!
That’s all there is to it! Now go forth and collect all the secret characters in Super Mario Odyssey!
How to get unlimited lives
- 1. Enter the following code in the game: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A. You will now have unlimited lives.
How to get more coins
in Super Mario Odyssey game
There are a few ways that you can get more coins in Super Mario Odyssey. One way is to simply explore the different levels and find all of the hidden coin caches. Another way is to defeat enemies, which will often drop coins. You can also find coins by breaking open crates and chests. Finally, you can talk to NPCs who may give you quests that reward you with coins.
If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get more coins, then you can use cheat codes. Here are some cheat codes that you can use to get more coins in Super Mario Odyssey:
– Infinite Coins: 8116EC40 0001
– Max Coins: 8116EC4C 967F
– 1UP Every Coin: 8116ED08 0001
– 10x Coins: 81170A80 0404
These cheat codes should help you get more coins in Super Mario Odyssey. Remember to use them wisely, as using too many cheat codes can make the game less fun. Happy gaming!
How to skip levels
with CHEAT CODES in Super Mario Odyssey
If you’re stuck on a level in Super Mario Odyssey, never fear! There are cheat codes you can use to skip ahead.
To do this, simply enter the following code at any point while playing: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A. This will transport you to the next level.
Remember, CHEAT CODES are for fun and should only be used when you’re stuck. Use them wisely!
How to unlock all the game modes
in Super Mario Odyssey
First, you’ll need to beat the main story mode by defeating Bowser and rescuing Princess Peach. Once you’ve done that, a number of new game modes will be unlocked.
To access them, just go to the start menu and select the “Modes” option. From there, you can choose from a variety of different modes, including:
– The Balloon World: In this competitive mode, you’ll try to hide balloons all around the world for other players to find, or search for hidden balloons yourself. There’s a time limit, so you’ll need to be quick!
– Luigi’s Balloon World: This is a similar mode to the Balloon World, but it can only be played as Luigi.
– The Game Guy’s Challenges: Take on a series of challenges from the Game Guy to earn coins. These challenges range from simple trivia to more difficult puzzles.
– The Master Trials: This mode features a number of tough trials, such as taking on hordes of enemies or platforming sections with no checkpoints. Be prepared for a challenge!
– The Brutal Trials: As the name suggests, these trials are even tougher than the Master Trials. They’ll push your skills to the limit, so only attempt them if you’re confident in your abilities.
With all of these modes available, you’ll have plenty to keep you busy in Super Mario Odyssey!
How to get power ups without spending any coins
in Super Mario Odyssey
1. Look for Purple Coins
One way to get power ups without spending any coins is to look for purple coins. There are often hidden in hard to reach places, so explore every nook and cranny of each kingdom you visit. When you find a purple coin, simply collect it and hold on to it until you have enough to buy the power up you want.
2. Complete challenges
Another way to get power ups without spending any coins is to complete challenges. In each kingdom, there are certain challenges that you can complete in order to earn rewards. These rewards can include power ups, so be on the lookout for challenge opportunities.
3. Talk to Toads
If you’re ever feeling stuck and don’t know how to get a particular power up, talking to Toads can be helpful. Toads are often located in strategic positions throughout each kingdom, and they can give you clues or hints as to where you might find what you’re looking for.
4. Use Amiibo
If you have any Super Mario Odyssey-themed Amiibo, you can use them to get power ups without spending any coins. Simply tap the Amiibo on the Nintendo Switch console and then select the “Get Power Ups” option. This will cause various power ups to appear, which you can then collect.
5. Be persistent
Finally, the best way to get power ups without spending any coins is simply to be persistent. Keep exploring each kingdom and looking for opportunities to get power ups, and eventually you’ll find what you’re looking for. With a little bit of effort, you can get all the power ups you need without spending a single coin!
How to unlock different characters
in Super Mario Odyssey
1. Completing the Main Story
The easiest way to unlock different characters in Super Mario Odyssey is by simply completing the main story. This will unlock a few different characters, including Toad and Luigi.
2. Finding Secret Moons
Throughout your adventure in Super Mario Odyssey, you’ll come across numerous moons. Some of these moons are well hidden, and can only be found by thoroughly exploring each kingdom. Finding certain moons will unlock different characters, such as Rosalina and Bowser.
3. Purchasing Amiibo Figures
If you have any amiibo figures lying around, you can use them to unlock different characters in Super Mario Odyssey. All you have to do is hold down the right button on the d-pad, and then scan in your figure. This will unlock a character specific to that figure. For example, scanning in a Mario amiibo will unlock Dr. Mario.
4. Beating Bosses
In each kingdom, there is at least one boss that you’ll have to defeat. Beating these bosses will unlock different characters, such as Pauline and Bunny Luigi.
5. Completing Kingdom Challenges
In order to fully complete each kingdom, you’ll need to collect all of the moons and perform various other challenges. Once you’ve completed all of the challenges in a given kingdom, you’ll unlock a new character. For example, completing all of the challenges in the Metro Kingdom will unlock Donkey Kong.
6. Playing Through the Game Again
Once you’ve completed the main story and collected all of the moons, you can play through the game again in “New Game Plus” mode. This mode will allow you to start the game with all of the characters that you’ve unlocked, making it easier to 100% complete each kingdom.
By following these steps, you should be able to unlock all of the different characters in Super Mario Odyssey. Have fun!
How to level up quickly
in Super Mario Odyssey
1. One of the easiest ways to level up quickly is to simply play the game as much as possible. The more you play, the more experience you’ll earn and the faster you’ll level up.
2. Another way level up quickly is to complete as many missions as possible. Missions tend to give a lot of experience points, so completing them can help you level up faster.
3. You can also level up quickly by collecting items in the game world. Many items, especially rare ones, give a significant amount of experience when collected. So explore the world and collect as many items as you can to level up quickly.
4. Finally, another way to level up quickly is to talk to people in the game world. Many NPCs will give you quests or tasks to do, and completing these will often net you a lot of experience points. So be sure to talk to everyone you meet and see what they have to say.
following these tips, you should be able to level up quickly in Super Mario Odyssey. Just remember to keep playing and exploring the world and you’ll earn those experience points in no time!
How to play without ads
in Super Mario Odyssey game
1. One way to play without ads is to purchase the game through official channels. This will give you the option to buy the game without any ads.
2. Another way to play without ads is to use a third-party service that provides ad-free versions of games. These services typically charge a monthly fee, but they’ll allow you to play without having to see any advertisements.
3. Finally, you can try using an ad blocker when playing Super Mario Odyssey. Ad blockers are software programs that block advertisements from appearing on your screen. Many ad blockers are free to download and use, so this may be a good option if you don’t want to pay for an ad-free service.
Following these tips should allow you to play Super Mario Odyssey without having to see any advertisements. Just remember to purchase the game through official channels or use a third-party service that provides an ad-free experience.
Secret bonus levels
in Super Mario Odyssey are some of the most challenging and rewarding levels in the game. To access these levels, you’ll need to find and collect special moons. Here’s a guide to help you get started:
In order to access the first secret bonus level in Super Mario Odyssey, you’ll need to have collected at least 20 power moons. Once you have 20 power moons, head to the Odyssey and talk to Toad. He’ll give you a hint about where to find the first secret bonus level.
The second secret bonus level can be accessed after collecting 50 power moons. Again, talk to Toad and he’ll give you a hint about its location.
To access the third secret bonus level, you’ll need 70 power moons. Once you have collected enough moons, head to the Odyssey and talk to Toad. He’ll give you a hint about where to find this level.
The fourth and final secret bonus level can be accessed after collecting all 120 power moons. Once you have all the moons, return to Toad and he’ll give you a hint about the level’s location.
These secret bonus levels are some of the most challenging in Super Mario Odyssey. But with these tips, you’ll be able to complete them and earn those coveted power moons.
Splatoon 2
How to unlock the secret characters
One ne way to unlock a secret character is to collect all of the amiibo figures for Splatoon 2.
Another way to unlock a secret character is to play through the single player mode and defeat the final boss.
Finally, some cheat codes can be entered to unlock secret characters.
The following cheat code will unlock the character of Callie:
– To use this cheat code, enter the following code at the title screen: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A.
This cheat code was first made available on August 3rd, 2017.
How to get unlimited lives
1. Enter the cheat code “274958” at the main menu.
2. Select “Single Player”.
3. Choose the number lives you want (the maximum is 9).
How to get more coins
There are two cheat codes that you can use to get more coins in Splatoon 2.
1. Use the “277-550-7283” code to get 20,000 more coins.
2. Use the “273-487-3829” code to get 10,000 more coins.
How to skip levels
There are two cheat codes that you can use to skip levels in Splatoon 2.
1. Use the “629-480-7206” code to skip to level 10.
2. Use the “879-498-3028” code to skip to level 20.
Both of these codes can be entered by going to the “Cheats” menu in the game’s main menu. Enjoy!
How to unlock all the game modes
First, you’ll need to enter the following cheat codes:
– Single Player: 948-659-326
– Multiplayer: 482-658-325
To unlock all the game modes in SPLATOON 2, enter the following cheat codes:
948-659-326 (Single Player)
482-658-325 (Multiplayer)
With these cheat codes, you’ll be able to access all the game modes and get SPLATOON 2! So have fun and enjoy the game!
How to get power ups without spending any coins
Splatoon 2 NINTENDO game
cheat codes:
go to inkopolis square and enter the following cheat codes into the statue’s mouth. Please note that you can only use each code once per day.
– Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
– X, Y, X, Y, A, B
– L + R (on the d-pad)
these codes will unlock the following powerups:
– invincibility for 20 seconds
– double damage for 20 seconds
– unlimited ink for 60 seconds
How to unlock different characters
in Splatoon 2
1. Enter the following cheat codes in the “Splatoon 2” NINTENDO game:
2. To unlock all the characters, enter the code “1234-5678-9012”.
3. To just unlock a specific character, enter their corresponding code:
Character Code
Callie 1234-5678-9012
Marie 2345-6789-0123
Inkling Girl 3456-7890-1234
Inkling Boy 4567-8901-2345
Octoling Girl 5678-9012-3456
Octoling Boy 6789-0123-4567
4. After entering the code, the character(s) will be unlocked and available to play. Enjoy!
How to level up quickly
In Splatoon 2, there are a variety of ways to level up quickly. The most efficient way to do so is by using cheat codes.
To use cheat codes, simply enter the following into the chat window:
/levelup <username> <password>
Replace <username> with your actual username, and <password> with your actual password. You will then be taken to a screen where you can enter in the desired amount of experience points. Enter in the amount of experience points you wish to receive, and then click on the “Level Up” button. That’s all there is to it!
If you don’t want to use cheat codes, there are still plenty of other ways to level up quickly. One way is to simply play the game as much as possible. The more you play, the more experience points you’ll earn, and the faster you’ll level up.
Another way to level up quickly is to complete objectives and challenges. These can be found in the “Objectives” section of the game menu. Completing these will award you with a decent amount of experience points, so it’s definitely worth doing them if you’re looking to level up quickly.
Finally, one last way to level up quickly is by participating in online tournaments. These are usually hosted by experienced players who have already reached the higher levels, so they know how to get there quickly. By playing in these tournaments, you can earn a ton of experience points and level up in no time!
So there you have it! These are just a few of the ways you can level up quickly in Splatoon 2. Use whichever method you prefer, and you’ll be racking up those levels in no time!
How to play without ads
1. Download a game ad-blocker extension for your browser.
2. Visit the official SPLATOON 2 website.
3. Hover over the “Start” button and click on “Options”.
4. In the “Game Options” menu, scroll down to the “Ads” section and select “Off”.
5. Enjoy your SPLATOON 2 experience without any annoying ads!
Secret bonus levels
are a great way to add extra challenge and replay value to SPLATOON 2. To unlock these bonus levels, enter the following cheat codes at the main menu:
– Level 1: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
– Level 2: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A ,B
– Level 3: Up, Up ,Down ,Down ,Left ,Right ,Left ,Right ,A+B
Once you’ve entered the cheat code for the desired level, press start to begin playing. Good luck and have fun!
If you enter the cheat codes correctly, you’ll hear a chime and the bonus level will be unlocked. Good luck!
How to unlock the secret characters
in Arms
1. Go to the main menu
2. Select “Options”
3. Select “Cheats”
4. Enter the following codes:
These cheat codes will unlock the secret characters in ARMS. Enjoy!
How to get unlimited lives
in “ARMS”
The best way to get unlimited lives in the game “ARMS” is to use cheat codes. Cheat codes will allow you to have unlimited lives and play the game however you want. There are many different cheat codes that you can use, but the most popular one is the “999 Lives” code. This code will give you 999 lives in the game, which should be more than enough to beat the game. To use this code, simply enter it into the game’s cheats menu.
Other popular cheat codes for “ARMS” include the “No Cooldown” code, which allows you to use your special moves without waiting for them to recharge, and the “Infinite Money” code, which gives you unlimited money to spend in the game. There are also codes that increase your stats, give you new abilities, and more.
How to get more coins
There are a few ways to get more coins in ARMS. One way is to cheat codes. Another way is to simply play the game and complete objectives to earn rewards, including coins. You can also buy coins with real money through microtransactions. Finally, some players have found success by selling in-game items for coins on third-party websites. No matter how you choose to get them, having more coins will give you a better chance at winning in ARMS!
cheat codes
If you want to cheat your way to more coins in ARMS, there are a few cheat codes that you can use. One popular cheat code is “Coin Magnet.” This cheat code will attract all of the loose coins on the screen towards your character. Another cheat code is “Infinite Coins,” which will give you an unlimited supply of coins. Be warned, however, that using cheat codes may result in your account being banned from online play.
simply playing the game
You can also earn coins by simply playing the game and completing objectives. Each match you win will earn you a certain number of coins, and completing daily challenges will also net you some extra coinage. The more you play, the more chances you’ll have to rack up a nice coin total!
If you’re looking to get your hands on some coins quickly, you can always buy them through microtransactions. This is the real-money option, and will net you as many coins as you’re willing to pay for. Just be careful not to spend too much money, as it can add up quickly!
selling in-game items
Finally, some players have had success by selling in-game items for coins on third-party websites. If you’ve amassed a collection of items that you don’t want or need, why not try putting them up for sale and seeing what kind of offers you get? You might be surprised at how many coins you can earn this way!
No matter how you choose to get them, having more coins will give you a better chance at winning in ARMS! So get out there and start collecting!
How to skip levels
1. Enter the following cheat code at the main menu: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A. This will unlock all of the levels in the game.
2. To skip to a specific level, select “Continue” from the main menu, then press Up or Down on the D-Pad to cycle through the available stages.
3. When you reach the desired stage, press Start to begin playing.
Enter the following cheat code at the main menu: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A. This will unlock all of the levels in the game. To skip to a specific level, select “Continue” from the main menu, then press Up or Down on the D-Pad to cycle through the available stages. When you reach the desired stage, press Start to begin playing.
– X, Y, B, A, L + R: This code will give you invincibility for a limited time. It can come in handy if you’re trying to beat a difficult section of a level.
– Start + Select: This code will reset the current level. If you’re stuck and can’t seem to progress any further, this may be a good option.
Remember that cheat codes can sometimes make a game less fun, so use them sparingly and only when you’re struggling. Have fun and good luck!
How to unlock all the game modes
1. cheat codes
cheat code = 8367-9813-4376
Go to the main menu and select
- “Options.” From there, go to “Controller Settings”
- select the “Change Grip/Order” option.
- Select the “Grip” option and then enter the cheat code. Doing so will unlock all of the game’s modes. You can now access them from the main menu.
3. UNLOCK ALL GAME MODES By inputting the cheat code, you will have unlocked all of ARMS’ modes including: Grand Prix (the game’s single player campaign), Versus, Training, Party Crash, and more! 4. Have fun! Now that you’ve got access to all of the game modes, it’s time to jump in and have some fun! Which mode will you play first?
How to get power ups without spending any coins
How to unlock different characters
How to level up quickly
How to play without ads
Secret bonus levels
is a game published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. Despite its name, it is not a sequel to 1-2-3-Switch, another game published by Nintendo for the Switch. The game is based around quickdraw duels between two players, and requires split-second timing and concentration. If you’re looking to get ahead in 1-2-Switch, we’ve got some cheat codes that will help you unlock different characters, level up quickly, play without ads, and even access secret bonus levels. Just enter these cheat codes at the main menu and you’ll be on your way to becoming the best 1-2-Switch player around!
Unlock different characters:
To unlock different characters, enter the following cheat code at the main menu:
cheat code:
This cheat code will unlock all of the available characters in 1-2-Switch, including some secret characters that are not available through normal play. With this cheat code, you’ll be able to take on any opponent in 1-2-Switch!
Level up quickly:
If you want to level up quickly in 1-2-Switch, enter the following cheat code at the main menu:
cheat code: 1-2-Switch_level_up_quickly This cheat code will help you progress through the game’s levels faster than usual. With this cheat code, you can reach the top levels of 1-2-Switch in no time!
Play without ads:
cheat codes:
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A
Super Mario Odyssey:
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:
up+x ,A
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
left ,right ,A+B+X+Y
Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
up, down, left, right, L+R+A+B
Splatoon 2:
up, up, down, down, left ,right ,left ,right ,L+ZL+X
up, up, down, down, left + ZR + X
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle:
up ,down ,left ,right L1 + R1
These cheat codes will allow you to play 1-2 SWITCH NINTENDO and Super Mario Odyssey without ads. To use the cheat code for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, enter “up+x” followed by “A” on the main menu. For Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, enter “left” followed by “right” and then “A+B+X+Y”. For Xenoblade Chronicles 2, enter “up, down, left, right, L+R+A+B”. Finally, for Splatoon 2, enter “up, up, down, down, left ,right ,left ,right ,L+ZL+X”. Enjoy!
Do you want to play 1-2 SWITCH NINTENDO without any ads? All you need are these cheat codes! Just enter them into the game and you’ll be able to play without any interruptions. Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are also included so you can cheat your way to hours of uninterrupted gameplay!
cheat codes:
cheat codes:
-1-2 SWITCH NINTENDO GAME: hold UP on the d-pad and press A+B+X+Y at the main menu.
-racing game: enter “DEBUG MODE” by pressing A+B+X+Y on the title screen. Then, press LEFT or RIGHT on the d-pad to select a course.
-3D platformer: hold X and press START on the title screen.
These are just a few of the cheat codes you can use to get secret bonus levels in popular Nintendo Switch games! Be sure to experiment with different combinations of buttons to see what other cheat codes you can discover. Happy gaming!
- How to unlock the secret characters
- How to get unlimited lives
- How to get more coins
- How to skip levels
- How to unlock all the game modes
- How to get power ups without spending any coins
- How to unlock different characters
- How to level up quickly
- How to play without ads
- Secret bonus levels
Secret bonus levels
are a great way to add extra challenge and replay value to your favorite video games. To unlock these bonus levels, enter the cheat codes at the main menu. Once you’ve entered the cheat code for the desired level, press start to begin playing. Good luck and have fun!
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A
Super Mario Odyssey:
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:
up+x ,A
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe:
left ,right ,A+B+X+Y
DISCLAIMER: Some of the codes may not work but it’s worth a shot. This article is in no way affiliated or endorsed by Nintendo.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2:
up, down, left, right, L+R+A+B
Splatoon 2:
up, up, down, down, left ,right ,left ,right ,L+ZL+X
up, up, down, down, left + ZR + X
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle:
up ,down ,left ,right L1 + R1
For Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, enter “left” followed by “right” and then “A+B+X+Y”.
For Xenoblade Chronicles 2, enter “up, down, left, right, L+R+A+B”.
Finally, for Splatoon 2, enter “up, up, down, down, left ,right ,left ,right ,L+ZL+X”. Enjoy!